Wednesday, April 4, 2012

Glorify The Lord

Do you Glorify the Lord?  When was the last time you stopped and gave God the glory for doing what you certainly could not or would not do?  Whether you do it now or do it later it will be done.  Whether or not you believe that it should be or not, really doesn’t even matter.  When Jesus Christ returns, “the hearts of men shall faint and die from fear” the bible says.  Somewhere, everyone has either seen or heard of Jesus Christ.  Whether or not it was on a bumper sticker, from graffiti on a wall, from your grandmother, from school or wherever, people have heard the name Jesus Christ.  Outside of the third world countries; and missionaries go there, you’ve heard the name Jesus.  You will get your just reward; there will be no escape.  The scriptures say that all nations will bow down and worship him.
If you are a procrastinator, if you think that he won’t come back, or you think that you might have time later, you will surely wish you had listened. There is no escape where you will go….either heaven or hell.  You should stop patting yourself on the back for anything.  Your desire to do comes from God.  All good things come from up above.

I remember when I first came to the Lord.  When I was a child until my late teens I thought I had it pretty good.  When I got to be on my own, things started to change.  Something just wasn’t right…my life was missing something.  I went to Sunday school and church when I was little but it just didn’t stick then.  But, once I began to realize that there must have been more to this life than just being here,  my life at one time was just miserable. 
I couldn’t understand it...   In my thoughts, I had it great.  A new car, a new job, plenty of money in the bank, went to Business College and even had a little girl to take care of and to keep me company.  But I was miserable.  I finally accepted the truth….. it was how I was living.  Living in sin, not married to the man I was living with, getting over every chance I got to get whatever I wanted and not caring about the consequences of my actions.  I didn’t hurt anyone but it was wrong and I knew it.  I figured, you live life, don’t hurt anyone, stay out of trouble with the law, work, pay bills and taxes and enjoy all the good things of this world.  That was supposed to be the life! 

I knew God existed and that Jesus loved me…yes I know.  Remember that song?  Just knowing the words wasn’t enough.  Now, the next thing that happened scared me just little. I began to pray for repentance. 

  It was like the heavens broke open and God’s glory surrounded me and that gave me much peace.  I cried out to Jesus Christ to come into my life and make me right.  I needed God to intervene and do something.  Do what only He could do and that was to save me from this evil I was in.  I was in bondage to this way of the world;  I needed to be saved from the evil and the sinful way in which I was living.  What a wonderful joy and peace that came over me.  It is hard to describe but I settled down in the bosom of my Lord and I have not been the same since.  As I grew in the Lord my walk has been the best thing ever.  In this conversion I have the fullness and the blessing of the Lord.
  The scripture tells us, like a newborn baby you crave the spiritual milk from God so you may grow.  You must study God’s word to show yourself approved.  God chooses those who are poor in spirit in the eyes of this world and not to be rich with things, but being rich of the things of heaven.  I became RICH!!  I get to inherit the kingdom because I love him for what he has done for me in my life.  I chose life. 
 I surrendered and chose to be obedient to what he tells me to do.  He promised to take care of me if I do that.  According to Gods’ eternal purpose which he accomplished in Christ, and through faith, we may approach God with freedom and confidence. 

You must let Christ dwell in your heart through Faith.  His love for you surpasses all knowledge and understanding.

“Trust in the Lord with all your heart and lean not on your own understanding; in all your ways acknowledge him, and he will make your paths straight.”  Proverbs 3:5-6  

 You must give God all the glory.  You may be filled with power through Jesus Christ and receive the fullness of God.  It’s the most wonderful way of life on this earth….. which is just a temporary place for us.  So, the next time you think you've done something on your own, think again and give God all the glory.

Ms Ellie's Blog