Wednesday, June 27, 2012

The Spiritual Heart and Your Whole Heart

Your whole heart……how does that touch your spirit…..what does that mean to you…..does that speak to your heart in a way that you can be truly obedient to the words.  The simplicity of those words is taken for granted by most people.  You think it, you may want it, but, do you really do it.  Seek God with your whole heart!!  What a statement. Having a Spiritual Heart is a heart of a born again child of God who has come to be converted by having a humble and contrite spirit.   The scripture says to “seek ye first the kingdom of God”….. if you seek God, he will reveal himself to you and show you the things you should do from your heart.  Just as Jesus did.  You will receive grace and mercy and faith. 
Trust him in all things.  Trust that he knows what he’s doing in your life and you let him lead you in the path of righteousness.  Seek him with all you’ve got.  You learn that the fear of the Lord is the beginning of wisdom.  You seek the Lord and he shall give you the desires of your heart.  You shall receive the prosperity of God’s riches thru your obedience in the path that he has for you.  These riches are the peace of God; Joy in the Lord.  Never want the material things of this world.  Material things will come; as they can be desires of your heart, BUT not putting them before the Lord God.  There is no good in the receiving of riches wickedly.  They do not and will not last. Don’t forget that Satan has riches also.  The riches of God are eternal.  People don’t seem to get in touch with the eternal side of the Lord.       

Just because you think you are a nice person, go to church, you might even be on the choir, or a deacon in the church, or maybe even the Sunday school teacher; your blessings come when you are obedient with your whole heart.  After you have been born again and submit yourself unto the Lord God, your blessings come and you receive your prosperity; as they are eternal.  When you see the prosperity of the wicked , do not become envious of their prosperity.  They never seem to be in trouble; they never seemed to be plagued with the headaches of this world.  They walk around in this world so prideful of what they have and their riches.  They stand out in fatness and they have all their hearts desire.  These are the ungodly ones of this world.  They know not God and his kind of riches and glory.  These are those who have been set in slippery places and will be cast down to destruction.

Until you go into the sanctuary of God will you really understand the bitter end.  They are brought into desolation as quick as a moment and are consumed with terror.  The fear of the Lord.  Know that you are like the flowers in the field….gone in the twinkling of an eye.  It is best to draw near to God with your whole heart.  Not a piece here and some there.  Eat daily the Word of God.  Be obedient and receive your blessings.

Ms Ellie’s Blog
Matthew 6:33, Psalms 73:17