Sunday, October 7, 2012

Christian Growth

Are you growing in your spiritual life?  Do you eat daily?  Just as your body needs food for nourishment and makes you grow, the spiritual side of you needs that daily nourishment also.  For a little over 5 years now, my husband and I have surrendered our lives to feeding our body spiritually every single day.  As doing this, we wake up with the Lord on our minds and are ready for whatever the day may bring… no matter what!!
Remember, we are born into this would spiritually dead and the only way to be brought to life is to be “born again”.  If you are serious and have truly experienced this new birth; becoming this new person, the fruit of abiding fellowship with Christ will appear over the course of your life.  If there is no change in your character, attitude, words and your behavior, think again and remember to make absolutely certain that you trust Christ as your Savior.  When you do this, the Holy Spirit comes and lives in you and produces the fruit of a genuine spiritual life.
You cannot expect to grow if you do not eat daily your spiritual meal.  You must open your Bible and read to listen to what the Lord has to say.  Getting to know Him is fantastic.  You need a daily supply of the Word.  Not a quick bit to eat but a real meal.  This type of food needs to sink in, transform your thoughts, shape your character and truly motivate you to obey the Word of God.  One thing that I learned is that you need to search the Scriptures yourself.  READ TO LISTEN to what the Scripture is saying to you.  The Holy Spirit will teach you what you need.  He abides inside you and guides you into all truths.  Do not give up, just keep on reading.
As you change into this godly person, there are trials, tribulations and sufferings that will happen BUT, these are mere tools being used by God to grow you up.  Trust in the Lord with all your heart and do not try to understand things in your own strength.  Just leave it up to the Lord and He will take care of all things.  Always acknowledge who He is and obey His commandments.  Look for the desires of your heart become realities for just trusting Him to do what He does best.   As these things happen in your life, receiving the promises of God, you will hardly want to keep them to yourself.  There should be no shame in sharing with your family and friends what the Lord has done for you.
This conversion that will be made in you is something that happens continually until you come into the Kingdom of God.  The Lord does not force us to mature and the process is not automatic… (Hebrews 5:12-14).  You will certainly grow according to your daily nourishment.  It’s not to be a race to see who can eat the fastest but it sure is nice to be able to share with other Christians what the Word of God says and is doing in your life.  It’s all about being obedient to His Word.  God is Faithful and has many promises for His children. You do what He says and watch Him do His work.   It’s wonderful to know where you are going when the time comes and nobody knows when that time will be.  Are you Spiritally growing or are you spiritually dead?  Do you know the path God has for you?  Ask Him, He will surely tell you.