Saturday, November 17, 2012

Spiritual Growth


There are several essential elements for making progress in the Spiritual Growth that is pleasing to God and proving yourself useful.  We all arrive in this world spiritual dead and you must go through the re-birthing process to have this relationship with the Lord Jesus Christ.  If you have experienced the rebirth and fellowship with Christ that abides within you, over the course of your lifetime, your fruit will show. (John 15:4) Over a period of time, true Christian characteristics will be seen; in your attitude, words, the way you live and your behavior. However, if these things have not happened, you need to make certain that you trust Christ as your Savior. As soon as you accept Jesus Christ into your heart, the Holy Spirit comes and abides within you and only then will the fruits of genuine spiritual life be produced.

If you only open your Bible on Sundays in church, you cannot expect to grow. No one can expect to grow physically with only a meal once a week. A daily supply of food, both physically and spiritually are necessary. This supply takes time to nourish, to get into your mind and be transformed. It shapes your character and has time to have you in obedience to Him.

We all need to search the scriptures ourselves. The Holy Spirit, which will abide in you, will teach you all things. (John 16:13) It will certainly spring up in you as you search and study the Scriptures. When you don’t study you deny the Spirit the opportunity to open up your mind to understand and to change.

The depth of your fellowship with Christ depends on your willingness to open up and being honest with Him. We must grow in grace and knowledge. (2nd Peter 3:18) You must engage in a personal and intimate relationship with Him. That’s the only way to cultivate a continuous life of honesty, confession and repentance.

Those Christians, who are willing, share their lives with others which is also an essential part of growth.  (1st Timothy 6:18)  When you open up and do this, it gives others the opportunity to be witnesses to what God has done in your life. We are designed to help one another with the struggles of life. Praying with and supporting others is also another tool for our spiritual growth.  
Certainly no one wants to suffer in life, but, it is the greatest tool for helping us to mature. We all can remember when things were not going so well, how it made us grow and change the way we did things. When we were children we did childish things but when we got to be older, things became different or should have anyway!

Christ suffered. We are not above Christ. If we are walking in the path of Him were certainly will suffer. But we must overcome and endure until the end. Didn’t say that it was easy but it is necessary in order for us to make those necessary changes in our lives. The key to our growth is being humble, obedient and submission unto Christ. We will all fall short but He is faithful and true to His word that He will never leave or forsake us.

Have you taken that step? Have you said YES the Christ? Let Him into your heart, submit and be filled with His Spirit as He did with His Father. In the Christian life, spiritual growth should be the norm and not the exception. Because of the “old”traditions in our churches today, too many people are still babies in Christ. The old traditions of the church should be no more since Christ came and changed things. Don't mean not to read the old, but you must apply what is the new way.

A young man told me once that the church he attended, ever since he was a child, did not teach him so that he could grow with knowledge and understanding. He said that until he opened and read the Scriptures for himself did the Holy Spirit open his eyes to the real truth. People go to church and they assume that the teachings will be so that you may grow in Christ. If you are not or have not changed, if you have not grown, then something is wrong.

We are not forced to be mature and the process is not automatic. It requires individual dying to our own desires, priorities and our understanding of things. With God, it’s not about things and material wealth. You should be rich in the things of God. We are to look at life through God’s eyes, trust our lives in His hands and obey His commands. God searches the heart of man. Apply God’s Word to your life, give up self and experience the happiness and joy that it brings. Without this, the Kingdom of Heaven will not be your eternal place of existence. Remember, ETERNAL is forever and ever.

Ms Ellie

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