Thursday, March 8, 2012

What Kind of Seed are You?

The parable about the “sower and the seed” are true of people today.  There are four types of seeds….seeds thrown by the wayside….seeds thrown on stony ground….seeds among the thorns….. or the seeds on the good ground… which are you?  Be true with yourself because God sees and knows the truth.

First, the seed by the wayside is like the seed thrown on ground without soil.  People will hear the Word but will hardly pay any attention to what is said.  These are people who are selfish and only think of themselves and really pay absolutely no attention to what the Word is saying.  They also don’t want to make any changes to the way they live.  Their lives are in complete chaos.  Life is just a valley of destruction and misery.

Second, some seed fall on stony ground or rocks.  There might be a little growth but then it dies, it takes no root.  Some people may listen and hear the Word and for a while they’re fine.  They like or love what they hear but it doesn’t last for long.  People in their circle may laugh at them or put them down for being Jesus followers or Jesus freaks.  Then the interest leaves them and they forget about God’s Word and go right back into the world.

Now thirdly, some seed fall among the thorns or bad weeds.  For a while there, the seed takes root but then all of a sudden the weeds choke it and kill the seed.  These are people who only care about the things of this world i.e.,   money, cars, gambling and such.  The deceitfulness of this worlds riches and the lust of the flesh really choke the Word and there is absolutely no fruit bearing.

 Finally, the seed that falls on good ground, on good soil will take root deeply.  These people are those who hear the Word of God and hold on to it for dear life.  They love the Lord and they believe and trust Him with their whole heart and soul.   God loves these kinds of people.  They have the Holy Spirit inside them to help them to love others, forgive others and live in peace with all people.  It is wonderful to know that God gives people joy and is able to change them from the inside.  Their ways change, their language changes, their thoughts change.  Everything changes and a person becomes a new creature in Christ.  They also don’t sit around and do nothing with what has happened to them; they tell it.  They can’t seem to keep to themselves and as a result they bear some fruit!

Knowing this parable should make us really look at ourselves to know who we are in Christ.  Our need to know God is to love our Savior Jesus Christ.  You must know that you need Jesus in your life and you certainly need to trust him with all your heart and soul.  You will surely be blessed!

You decide!

Ms Ellie's Blog

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