Saturday, November 17, 2012

Spiritual Growth


There are several essential elements for making progress in the Spiritual Growth that is pleasing to God and proving yourself useful.  We all arrive in this world spiritual dead and you must go through the re-birthing process to have this relationship with the Lord Jesus Christ.  If you have experienced the rebirth and fellowship with Christ that abides within you, over the course of your lifetime, your fruit will show. (John 15:4) Over a period of time, true Christian characteristics will be seen; in your attitude, words, the way you live and your behavior. However, if these things have not happened, you need to make certain that you trust Christ as your Savior. As soon as you accept Jesus Christ into your heart, the Holy Spirit comes and abides within you and only then will the fruits of genuine spiritual life be produced.

If you only open your Bible on Sundays in church, you cannot expect to grow. No one can expect to grow physically with only a meal once a week. A daily supply of food, both physically and spiritually are necessary. This supply takes time to nourish, to get into your mind and be transformed. It shapes your character and has time to have you in obedience to Him.

We all need to search the scriptures ourselves. The Holy Spirit, which will abide in you, will teach you all things. (John 16:13) It will certainly spring up in you as you search and study the Scriptures. When you don’t study you deny the Spirit the opportunity to open up your mind to understand and to change.

The depth of your fellowship with Christ depends on your willingness to open up and being honest with Him. We must grow in grace and knowledge. (2nd Peter 3:18) You must engage in a personal and intimate relationship with Him. That’s the only way to cultivate a continuous life of honesty, confession and repentance.

Those Christians, who are willing, share their lives with others which is also an essential part of growth.  (1st Timothy 6:18)  When you open up and do this, it gives others the opportunity to be witnesses to what God has done in your life. We are designed to help one another with the struggles of life. Praying with and supporting others is also another tool for our spiritual growth.  
Certainly no one wants to suffer in life, but, it is the greatest tool for helping us to mature. We all can remember when things were not going so well, how it made us grow and change the way we did things. When we were children we did childish things but when we got to be older, things became different or should have anyway!

Christ suffered. We are not above Christ. If we are walking in the path of Him were certainly will suffer. But we must overcome and endure until the end. Didn’t say that it was easy but it is necessary in order for us to make those necessary changes in our lives. The key to our growth is being humble, obedient and submission unto Christ. We will all fall short but He is faithful and true to His word that He will never leave or forsake us.

Have you taken that step? Have you said YES the Christ? Let Him into your heart, submit and be filled with His Spirit as He did with His Father. In the Christian life, spiritual growth should be the norm and not the exception. Because of the “old”traditions in our churches today, too many people are still babies in Christ. The old traditions of the church should be no more since Christ came and changed things. Don't mean not to read the old, but you must apply what is the new way.

A young man told me once that the church he attended, ever since he was a child, did not teach him so that he could grow with knowledge and understanding. He said that until he opened and read the Scriptures for himself did the Holy Spirit open his eyes to the real truth. People go to church and they assume that the teachings will be so that you may grow in Christ. If you are not or have not changed, if you have not grown, then something is wrong.

We are not forced to be mature and the process is not automatic. It requires individual dying to our own desires, priorities and our understanding of things. With God, it’s not about things and material wealth. You should be rich in the things of God. We are to look at life through God’s eyes, trust our lives in His hands and obey His commands. God searches the heart of man. Apply God’s Word to your life, give up self and experience the happiness and joy that it brings. Without this, the Kingdom of Heaven will not be your eternal place of existence. Remember, ETERNAL is forever and ever.

Ms Ellie

Sunday, October 7, 2012

Christian Growth

Are you growing in your spiritual life?  Do you eat daily?  Just as your body needs food for nourishment and makes you grow, the spiritual side of you needs that daily nourishment also.  For a little over 5 years now, my husband and I have surrendered our lives to feeding our body spiritually every single day.  As doing this, we wake up with the Lord on our minds and are ready for whatever the day may bring… no matter what!!
Remember, we are born into this would spiritually dead and the only way to be brought to life is to be “born again”.  If you are serious and have truly experienced this new birth; becoming this new person, the fruit of abiding fellowship with Christ will appear over the course of your life.  If there is no change in your character, attitude, words and your behavior, think again and remember to make absolutely certain that you trust Christ as your Savior.  When you do this, the Holy Spirit comes and lives in you and produces the fruit of a genuine spiritual life.
You cannot expect to grow if you do not eat daily your spiritual meal.  You must open your Bible and read to listen to what the Lord has to say.  Getting to know Him is fantastic.  You need a daily supply of the Word.  Not a quick bit to eat but a real meal.  This type of food needs to sink in, transform your thoughts, shape your character and truly motivate you to obey the Word of God.  One thing that I learned is that you need to search the Scriptures yourself.  READ TO LISTEN to what the Scripture is saying to you.  The Holy Spirit will teach you what you need.  He abides inside you and guides you into all truths.  Do not give up, just keep on reading.
As you change into this godly person, there are trials, tribulations and sufferings that will happen BUT, these are mere tools being used by God to grow you up.  Trust in the Lord with all your heart and do not try to understand things in your own strength.  Just leave it up to the Lord and He will take care of all things.  Always acknowledge who He is and obey His commandments.  Look for the desires of your heart become realities for just trusting Him to do what He does best.   As these things happen in your life, receiving the promises of God, you will hardly want to keep them to yourself.  There should be no shame in sharing with your family and friends what the Lord has done for you.
This conversion that will be made in you is something that happens continually until you come into the Kingdom of God.  The Lord does not force us to mature and the process is not automatic… (Hebrews 5:12-14).  You will certainly grow according to your daily nourishment.  It’s not to be a race to see who can eat the fastest but it sure is nice to be able to share with other Christians what the Word of God says and is doing in your life.  It’s all about being obedient to His Word.  God is Faithful and has many promises for His children. You do what He says and watch Him do His work.   It’s wonderful to know where you are going when the time comes and nobody knows when that time will be.  Are you Spiritally growing or are you spiritually dead?  Do you know the path God has for you?  Ask Him, He will surely tell you.

Wednesday, June 27, 2012

The Spiritual Heart and Your Whole Heart

Your whole heart……how does that touch your spirit…..what does that mean to you…..does that speak to your heart in a way that you can be truly obedient to the words.  The simplicity of those words is taken for granted by most people.  You think it, you may want it, but, do you really do it.  Seek God with your whole heart!!  What a statement. Having a Spiritual Heart is a heart of a born again child of God who has come to be converted by having a humble and contrite spirit.   The scripture says to “seek ye first the kingdom of God”….. if you seek God, he will reveal himself to you and show you the things you should do from your heart.  Just as Jesus did.  You will receive grace and mercy and faith. 
Trust him in all things.  Trust that he knows what he’s doing in your life and you let him lead you in the path of righteousness.  Seek him with all you’ve got.  You learn that the fear of the Lord is the beginning of wisdom.  You seek the Lord and he shall give you the desires of your heart.  You shall receive the prosperity of God’s riches thru your obedience in the path that he has for you.  These riches are the peace of God; Joy in the Lord.  Never want the material things of this world.  Material things will come; as they can be desires of your heart, BUT not putting them before the Lord God.  There is no good in the receiving of riches wickedly.  They do not and will not last. Don’t forget that Satan has riches also.  The riches of God are eternal.  People don’t seem to get in touch with the eternal side of the Lord.       

Just because you think you are a nice person, go to church, you might even be on the choir, or a deacon in the church, or maybe even the Sunday school teacher; your blessings come when you are obedient with your whole heart.  After you have been born again and submit yourself unto the Lord God, your blessings come and you receive your prosperity; as they are eternal.  When you see the prosperity of the wicked , do not become envious of their prosperity.  They never seem to be in trouble; they never seemed to be plagued with the headaches of this world.  They walk around in this world so prideful of what they have and their riches.  They stand out in fatness and they have all their hearts desire.  These are the ungodly ones of this world.  They know not God and his kind of riches and glory.  These are those who have been set in slippery places and will be cast down to destruction.

Until you go into the sanctuary of God will you really understand the bitter end.  They are brought into desolation as quick as a moment and are consumed with terror.  The fear of the Lord.  Know that you are like the flowers in the field….gone in the twinkling of an eye.  It is best to draw near to God with your whole heart.  Not a piece here and some there.  Eat daily the Word of God.  Be obedient and receive your blessings.

Ms Ellie’s Blog
Matthew 6:33, Psalms 73:17

Tuesday, May 15, 2012

The Spirit of Life

The Spirit of Life

There is no condemnation to them which are in Christ Jesus, who walk not after the flesh, but after the Spirit….Romans 8:1

The law of the Spirit of Life in Christ makes you free from the law of sin and death.  The laws of the old did not work because the flesh was and still is weak. God sent Jesus Christ in the likeness of sinful flesh to condemn sin.  We must not seek after the things of this world, but seek those things from up above.

To walk after the flesh and things of this world is the road to death and destruction.  Walking after the things of God equals life and peace.  People walk around all day sometimes in a whirlwind, not knowing what to do or how to make it right.  They that are after the Spirit they mind the things of the Spirit.  So, they that are after the flesh and the things of this world cannot please God.  These things that I have written are so simple, we as people make it so difficult.

“But ye are not in the flesh, but in the Spirit, if so be that the Spirit of God dwell in you.  Now if any man have not the Spirit of God, he is none of his.” Romans 8:9

You must be saved and have the Holy Spirit before any manifestation of those things you want to come to pass.  You just wait of the Lord to bless you.  Wait on the Lord to hear what he has for you to do.  Lots of People go out on their own to try and make things happen.  No, just wait on the Lord.  You won’t miss anything if it’s for you.  The Lord is not going to give you something that you can’t handle. 

Likewise the Spirit in you also makes intercessions for you with groaning that no one can understand.  God searches the heart and he knows the mind of the Spirit that is in you and this is all according to the will of God.  There are those who are called by God or drawn to Jesus by God knowing that all things work together for good of those who love God, according to His will.  If God be for you, who could be against you?

Understand this: there is nothing under the sun, or in this world that can separate you from the love of God, if you have the Spirit of God in you.

During my traveling around and I came across some people, I found that people really don’t have the Spirit of God.  They really don’t know what it is to be saved and converted.  The scripture says that we MUST be converted and become like little children to enter the Kingdom of God.  So what is wrong with that simple thing that is asked of us?  We were created before the foundations of the world.  All God wants is for us to return.  In order to do that, we must lay down our life to Christ and be obedient to what he says.

Remember I said that people make it hard, well it really isn’t.  I have come to know and understand the task of doing it and it came easy I guess because I wanted to lay down my life.  I remembered the sin I was in and He saved me from the death and destructed path I was walking.  When I read that the path I was on was to hell, I straightened up quick.  My sins may not have be the worse of the bunch, but sin is sin to God no matter how big or small.  Just to let you know, the weight of sin I was carrying got lifted.  Crying out, wanting out of bondage to sin, on my knees, Jesus Christ saved me.  My life is totally changed.  There is peace with everything because I gave it all. 

This is the Spirit of Life.  Walking with the Lord and being obedient to his commandments is such a joy.  The Spirit of God is in me and there is great peace with it.  Just going to church, reading and hearing the Word is not enough.  There must be the receiving of His Spirit that’s going to make you whole.  You must do His will.  Every day before you get your day started, Give the Lord a little time and praise Him for who he is and what he does for you all the time.  With his Spirit he is always there.  He will never leave of or forsake you.  There are so many promises that the Lord has for you, but you must be obedient to his will. 

He will certainly open up the gates of heaven and pour out some blessings to you.  A lot of people think that they are being blessed by all the things that they have.  God don’t like the proud but the humble.  Anyway, it’s not the material things that your eyes should be on but the things of heaven.  Someone told me that when they stand before God they stand alone.  I certainly would like to stand alone but right with God and not wrong.  It’s about the giving up of yourself and what your desires are and want the Spirit of God.

I challenge you all to do just that and see how your life turns out. 

O generations of vipers, how can ye being evil; or else speak good things?  for out of the abundance of the heart the mouth speaketh.”   A good man out of the good treasure of the heart bringeth forth good things: and an evil man out of evil treasure bringeth forth evil things.  Matthews 12:34-35

Wednesday, April 4, 2012

Glorify The Lord

Do you Glorify the Lord?  When was the last time you stopped and gave God the glory for doing what you certainly could not or would not do?  Whether you do it now or do it later it will be done.  Whether or not you believe that it should be or not, really doesn’t even matter.  When Jesus Christ returns, “the hearts of men shall faint and die from fear” the bible says.  Somewhere, everyone has either seen or heard of Jesus Christ.  Whether or not it was on a bumper sticker, from graffiti on a wall, from your grandmother, from school or wherever, people have heard the name Jesus Christ.  Outside of the third world countries; and missionaries go there, you’ve heard the name Jesus.  You will get your just reward; there will be no escape.  The scriptures say that all nations will bow down and worship him.
If you are a procrastinator, if you think that he won’t come back, or you think that you might have time later, you will surely wish you had listened. There is no escape where you will go….either heaven or hell.  You should stop patting yourself on the back for anything.  Your desire to do comes from God.  All good things come from up above.

I remember when I first came to the Lord.  When I was a child until my late teens I thought I had it pretty good.  When I got to be on my own, things started to change.  Something just wasn’t right…my life was missing something.  I went to Sunday school and church when I was little but it just didn’t stick then.  But, once I began to realize that there must have been more to this life than just being here,  my life at one time was just miserable. 
I couldn’t understand it...   In my thoughts, I had it great.  A new car, a new job, plenty of money in the bank, went to Business College and even had a little girl to take care of and to keep me company.  But I was miserable.  I finally accepted the truth….. it was how I was living.  Living in sin, not married to the man I was living with, getting over every chance I got to get whatever I wanted and not caring about the consequences of my actions.  I didn’t hurt anyone but it was wrong and I knew it.  I figured, you live life, don’t hurt anyone, stay out of trouble with the law, work, pay bills and taxes and enjoy all the good things of this world.  That was supposed to be the life! 

I knew God existed and that Jesus loved me…yes I know.  Remember that song?  Just knowing the words wasn’t enough.  Now, the next thing that happened scared me just little. I began to pray for repentance. 

  It was like the heavens broke open and God’s glory surrounded me and that gave me much peace.  I cried out to Jesus Christ to come into my life and make me right.  I needed God to intervene and do something.  Do what only He could do and that was to save me from this evil I was in.  I was in bondage to this way of the world;  I needed to be saved from the evil and the sinful way in which I was living.  What a wonderful joy and peace that came over me.  It is hard to describe but I settled down in the bosom of my Lord and I have not been the same since.  As I grew in the Lord my walk has been the best thing ever.  In this conversion I have the fullness and the blessing of the Lord.
  The scripture tells us, like a newborn baby you crave the spiritual milk from God so you may grow.  You must study God’s word to show yourself approved.  God chooses those who are poor in spirit in the eyes of this world and not to be rich with things, but being rich of the things of heaven.  I became RICH!!  I get to inherit the kingdom because I love him for what he has done for me in my life.  I chose life. 
 I surrendered and chose to be obedient to what he tells me to do.  He promised to take care of me if I do that.  According to Gods’ eternal purpose which he accomplished in Christ, and through faith, we may approach God with freedom and confidence. 

You must let Christ dwell in your heart through Faith.  His love for you surpasses all knowledge and understanding.

“Trust in the Lord with all your heart and lean not on your own understanding; in all your ways acknowledge him, and he will make your paths straight.”  Proverbs 3:5-6  

 You must give God all the glory.  You may be filled with power through Jesus Christ and receive the fullness of God.  It’s the most wonderful way of life on this earth….. which is just a temporary place for us.  So, the next time you think you've done something on your own, think again and give God all the glory.

Ms Ellie's Blog

Sunday, March 25, 2012

What Train Are You On ?

 Do you remember the song  "PEOPLE GET READY"?  it goes like this....
                      “people get ready there’s a train a comin;
you don’t need no baggage you just get on board;
all you need is Faith to keep the diesels hummin,
you don't need no ticket, you just thank the Lord".

What does that song mean to you in your Spirit?  Way down deep in your gut, how does it grab you?  Well, let me tell you this.....
 It was late in the day, one day, after having devotion with my husband, I heard that song and my spirit began to feel what it meant for me in my soul, deep down. 
I began to remember when I was a young woman, how low I was feeling and how it seemed that everybody around me were moving right along in their own little world; getting everything they wanted, going places, getting the best jobs and driving the best cars.  So when the light bulb finally went off, it wasn’t about what you have; it’s wasn't about the possessions you have or even how much money you have in the bank. 

It came to me so powerfully; that it was all about GOD!  It was all about getting on board and getting right with God.  That train was going and it wasn’t going to wait for those that didn’t want to go.  For those who couldn’t make up their minds what they wanted to do.  That’s life, right!!    It’s all about getting back to God.  That’s how he wanted it in the first place; with him and about him.  That was before Adam and Eve screwed it up.

Most people figure that they can just get up in the mornings, have breakfast and prepare for the day and go about the goings and coming of life as they see it.  It’s more than just that.  What about referencing God?  Where does that play a part in your “normal” day? Did you have any thoughts of picking up your Bible and reading scripture?  My husband calls it “hanging out with the Lord”.  You must develop a personal relationship with him to know what he wants from you.  He simply wants you to trust him and believe.  But you have got to get on board of the same train he’s on.   In order to have God to hear you, you must go though Jesus Christ, FIRST.  The scriptures say it like this…

John 14:6... “I am the way, the truth, and the life: no man cometh unto the Father, but by me”.

The problems we face everyday are the Lord’s problems.  Cast your cares on the LORD and he will sustain you; he will never let the righteous fall…..Psalms 55:22      You must believe that he will do these things for you.  And don’t doubt!  There are so many promises that God has for you.  He make promises and cannot lie.   

John 14:13… 13 "And whatsoever ye shall ask in thy name, that will I do, that the Father may be glorified in the Son".
In every aspect of our being, God is there.  There is nothing that he is not aware of.  We cannot hide from him.  God should be everything.  In all things you must consider what he would have you to do. 

 Proverbs 3:5-6  
 5   Trust in the LORD with all thine heart; and lean not unto thine own understanding.   In all thy ways acknowledge him, and he shall direct thy paths.
Are you getting on board the train or not?    You don’t want to be left at the station! 

Ms Ellie’s Blog

Thursday, March 8, 2012

What Kind of Seed are You?

The parable about the “sower and the seed” are true of people today.  There are four types of seeds….seeds thrown by the wayside….seeds thrown on stony ground….seeds among the thorns….. or the seeds on the good ground… which are you?  Be true with yourself because God sees and knows the truth.

First, the seed by the wayside is like the seed thrown on ground without soil.  People will hear the Word but will hardly pay any attention to what is said.  These are people who are selfish and only think of themselves and really pay absolutely no attention to what the Word is saying.  They also don’t want to make any changes to the way they live.  Their lives are in complete chaos.  Life is just a valley of destruction and misery.

Second, some seed fall on stony ground or rocks.  There might be a little growth but then it dies, it takes no root.  Some people may listen and hear the Word and for a while they’re fine.  They like or love what they hear but it doesn’t last for long.  People in their circle may laugh at them or put them down for being Jesus followers or Jesus freaks.  Then the interest leaves them and they forget about God’s Word and go right back into the world.

Now thirdly, some seed fall among the thorns or bad weeds.  For a while there, the seed takes root but then all of a sudden the weeds choke it and kill the seed.  These are people who only care about the things of this world i.e.,   money, cars, gambling and such.  The deceitfulness of this worlds riches and the lust of the flesh really choke the Word and there is absolutely no fruit bearing.

 Finally, the seed that falls on good ground, on good soil will take root deeply.  These people are those who hear the Word of God and hold on to it for dear life.  They love the Lord and they believe and trust Him with their whole heart and soul.   God loves these kinds of people.  They have the Holy Spirit inside them to help them to love others, forgive others and live in peace with all people.  It is wonderful to know that God gives people joy and is able to change them from the inside.  Their ways change, their language changes, their thoughts change.  Everything changes and a person becomes a new creature in Christ.  They also don’t sit around and do nothing with what has happened to them; they tell it.  They can’t seem to keep to themselves and as a result they bear some fruit!

Knowing this parable should make us really look at ourselves to know who we are in Christ.  Our need to know God is to love our Savior Jesus Christ.  You must know that you need Jesus in your life and you certainly need to trust him with all your heart and soul.  You will surely be blessed!

You decide!

Ms Ellie's Blog